Good arrangement of memorizing Quranul Kareem within 3 years in standard residential arrangement in short time by trained experienced and hard working Hafizul Quran
Primary Upto 5th standard is taught by experienced teaching staff with modern and relevant syllabus.
Conducted by experienced respected teachers and Muhaddith who are trained in the syllabus of Befaqul Madarisil Arabia Bangladesh (Bangladesh Qaumi Madrasa Education Board) from Class 5th to Takmil Fil Hadith (M.A).
Noorani Primary Teaching (3 years) by experienced faculty with up-to-date and engaging Noorani Syllabus.
Arabic language learning in just 1 year with the help of Madani and Befaq Syllabus under the slogan of Qualification, Time Saving and Grammar First Language (Jamaat 7th Class).
Nahu-Saraf (Grammar) and Arabic Ibarat (Reading) teaching methods in a simple manner by experienced respected teachers trained only in Ramadan month.